
As an Electrical Engineering graduate student attending Drexel University, I work and study hard everyday to complete my Ph.D and learn everything I can to make myself a productive member of society. But, like most graduate students(and seemingly more people in general) I have neglected learning other, more basic survival skills like fancy dinner party etiquette(like what is that tiny fork for!?), how to fix things when they are broken(btw I am an electrical engineer NOT an electrician so no I cannot fix the wiring in your light socket and yes I know I have very few practical skills), and of course the simple, yet incredibly easy to mess up art of cooking. In an effort to improve my health, decrease the amount of money I spend(and waste) on food, and learn how to stop existing on take out and prepackaged foods from the grocery store, I bought a Lancaster Farm Cooperative food share for this entire year!

For those of you unfamiliar with a food share/food co-op, this is a program where you prepay local farmers to recieve the fresh food that they produce for a certain number of weeks. Usually the year is broken into seasons so you can buy a food share for spring, summer, fall, and winter and during those season you get vastly different foods based on what teh farmers harvest. I signed up for one in Fall 2013 and got exposed to a number of vegetables I didn’t even know existed, and I actually loved some of them! These types of programs support local farmers who use responsible and sustainable methods of planting and harvesting and don’t douse their fields in chemicals. Plus with my food share I bought additional add-ons including bread, meat, pantry items, bi-weekly eggs, cheese and milk, so all of my groceries(with a very slect few that I need for recipes) come from the food share. All of these products are made without additional chemicals and growth hormones!

And guess what? When the total cost is divided by the number of weeks I get food, it comes out to $32 a week. This is nothing compared to the $75+ dollars per week I was previously spending at the grocery store and at take out resturants. Plus I have been throwing a lot less food out because I have gotten a lot more creative in the kitchen and have learned to make foods I genuinely enjoy and want to eat/save if I can;t finish them right away. The blog was born because I want to share with you all the things I have learned(and am still learning) and maybe provide you with some cool recipes and tips along the way. If you have any questions be sure to shoot me an e-mail otherwise explore and enjoy!

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